As an all-inclusive, creative environment open to all ages, abilities & physical or developmental challenges, The Heart in Art programs range from social events intended to foster community to classes designed to empower and educate to community wide festivals bringing everyone regardless of ability together. Through fundraising, grants & the generosity of our sponsors, we seek to remove or minimize financial barriers to event participation for individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities. Once an individual becomes a part of our community, The Heart in Art remains connected; some of our participants have been with us from the beginning! This allows us to encourage connections between community members to prevent isolation & foster a sense of belonging. Supporting The Heart in Art makes a difference in the lives of individuals who need your help.
Interested in supporting our work? Contact us using the form below. There are many sponsorship opportunities available:
A recurring or one-time gift is a great way to support our work! Gifts like these enable us to create programs and events for individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities and fund our mission to make the arts accessible for everyone.